Affiliated Organizations

Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries
A group of believers committed to revisioning the relationship between the Word and our world, in order to help animate and build capacity for communities of discipleship and justice.
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A multifaith intentional community dedicated to the practice and study of hospitality, nonviolence and justice.
Read MoreDataCenter
An independent research organization for social justice movements and grassroots organizing.
Read MoreInterfaith Institute for Justice, Peace and Social Movements
Interfaith Institute for Justice, Peace and Social Movements is a small anti-racist, anti-colonial collective working on unceded Coast Salish territories. We organize education events that explore the intersection of faith traditions and progressive social change. Our institutional home is the J. S. Woodsworth chair in the Humanities at Simon Fraser…
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KAIROS is an ecological justice and human rights organization of ten Canadian churches and religious organizations. KAIROS strives to be a faithful ecumenical response to the call “to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). Current commitments are to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, reconciliation in…
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Newark School of Theology
The Newark School of Theology is an ecumenical and interfaith school of theology for persons who desire to take advanced courses in theology without having first to matriculate at a school whose primary mission is professional education for the ordained ministry. All of our courses are taught at the upper-division…
Read MoreThe People's Seminary
The People’s Seminary is a learning center for scripture study and theology, rooted in active ministry in solidarity with people on the margins. People marginalized due to race, social class, language, lifestyle, or legal status often reach the conclusion that God is against them and that they are not welcome…
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Stony Point Center
Welcoming Across Boundaries, Nurturing Inclusive Community, Cultivating Peace and Justice A Multifaith Commitment to Radical Hospitality Affirmed by the Presbyterian Church (USA) Welcoming Across Boundaries by providing overnight and day-use accommodations and meeting spaces for individuals and groups. We offer delicious, locally-sourced food; simple, comfortable guestrooms; and a caring touch…
Read MoreUnbound
Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice (“Unbound“) is an online journal and community that examines, expresses, and provokes social justice as inspired by the prophetic gospel of Jesus Christ. As both a journal and a forum for conversation, action and community building, Unbound is at once the inheritor…
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Word and World
Word & World is intended to provide radical education and training for Christian disciples committed to the work of social transformation. Word & World’s specific purpose is to build capacity for movements of faith-based witness and work in service, solidarity, justice, peace and social change; this includes individuals, communities and…
Read MoreContextual Bible Study
Contextual Bible Study (CBS) is a methodology that is committed to reading the Bible prophetically for the liberation of communities struggling against the structures that keep them oppressed and marginalized. Toward this end it is rooted in on-going cycles of action and reflection. It is an interactive process that brings…
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