Matthew J. M. Coomber
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, St. Ambrose University

Matthew J.M. Coomber is a professor of biblical studies and an Episcopal priest. He has served as an activist in various roles, including faith leader, educator, street medic, and as an organizer/director of international conferences on Bible and social justice. His primary focus of research is on how biblical texts addressing poverty and economic exploitation can serve as a lens through which to call out and confront injustice in our time.
- Re-Reading the Bible through Corporate Globalization
- Bible and Justice: Ancient Texts, Modern Challenges
- The Fortress Commentary on the Bible: Old Testament and Apocrypha
- Debt as Weapon: Manufacturing Poverty from Judah to Today
- Occupying the Temple in Ancient Judah: Resisting Debt Abuses from Jerusalem to Wall Street
- Amos and Micah: Through the Centuries (Wiley Blackwell, forthcoming)
Wealth and Poverty in the Biblical World (Fortress Press, forthcoming)
God, Mammon, and Hope for the Poor: A Commentary (Fortress Press, forthcoming)
The Bible in the Age of Capital (Fortress Press, forthcoming)
“Those at Ease Have Contempt for Misfortune: Biblical Approaches to Challenging Anti-Poor Sentiment.” Pages 83-109 in Imagined Worlds and Constructed Differences. Edited by Jeremiah Cataldo. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
“Let My People Go: Der Exodus und die Geschichte der Afroamerikanischen Sklaven.” Welt und Umwelt Der Bibel 92, No. 1 (2019): 50-55.