John Vincent, Elder Scholar-Activist of Radical Christianity, to Visit NY in November 2019
October 12, 2019

The Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice, Jersey City Together, New York Theological Seminary and the Urban Theology Unit North America are pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. John Vincent for a series of seminars and discussions on contextual urban ministry in the greater NYC region. John is a minister, scholar and social justice organizer whose Bible-based work has built enormous capacity for liberation theology in his home of Sheffield, England and beyond. During his visit he will engage different audiences that are doing forms of contextual urban ministry, and will particularly share about his emerging approach to Biblical interpretation, which he calls Practice Interpretation Methodology. Our hope is that his visit to the greater NYC region will create a unique opportunity for transnational strategizing and knowledge exchange amongst Biblically-informed activists and justice-oriented scholars.
Please scroll down for schedule details. Many sessions will have online participation option – please check back for updates!
Questions and RSVPs can be directed to Amy Dalton at, 347-760-3478 or Geoff Curtis at, 201-892-2960
John Vincent biography Review of John Vincent’s book Radical Jesus: The Way of Jesus, Then and Now
Rev. Vincent’s Schedule:
Tuesday 11/5
- 7:15pm — Book Talk at Stony Point Center on Radical Jesus: The Way of Jesus Then and Now.
Wednesday 11/6
- 8:30am — Contextual Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark at Stony Point Center
- Noon-1:30pm: Bible Study on contextual urban theological education at NYTS faculty lunch (private)
- 7:15pm: Mark Roundtable at Stony Point Center with CLBSJ Board member Tom Boomershine
Thursday 11/7
- 8:30am — Contextual Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark at Stony Point Center
- noon–2:30pm — Luncheon on “The Evolution of Contextual Urban Mission, 1960–2020.” Hosted by Chris Lawrence of Inner Change in East Harlem (formerly East Harlem Protestant Parish). For details and lunch reservations, contact Chris at 917-543-1542.
- 6pm — Guest lecturer at Peter Heltzel’s Theology of the City class with Ray Rivera, President of the Latino Pastoral Action Center in the Bronx. Theme: “Confessing Christ, Transforming the City.” Location: Riverside Church, MLK Wing, Room 311. Open to the public, RSVP to
Friday 11/8
- 10:00am — Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark with parishioners from Grace Van Vorst Congregation. Meet at the Brownstone Diner in Jersey City.
- 12:30–3:00pm — Interactive Session on Gospel Practice Interpretation using Mark 9:14-29 — the story of the Epileptic child. Meet at Triangle Park Community Center, 247 Old Bergen Road, Jersey City, NJ. RSVP in advance for lunch reservations.
NOTE: Guests who wish to attend more than one of the events at Stony Point Center may consider reserving a room for Tuesday and/or Wednesday night. Special rates can be accessed by going to and using the code “clbsj”. This rate includes breakfast.