Scholar-Activist Encounter: abby mohaupt and Rick Ufford-Chase

Scholar-Activist Encounters

November 19, 2020, 7:30pm Eastern Time

How do activism and scholarship contribute to our understanding of Scripture in the world today?

In this session, faith-rooted scholar-activists Rick Ufford-Chase and rev. abby mohaupt will share about their work for environmental and racial justice within the Presbyterian Church USA and beyond.

Advance registration is required.

abby mohaupt with Rick Ufford Chase

About the participants

abby mohaupt lives on a farm in Texas. A native of Northern Illinois, she’s an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). abby served urban, suburban, and rural congregations and communities before starting a PhD at Drew University in Religion, Culture, and Ecology. She serves on the boards of enfleshed, CreatureKind, and Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. She is likely to be found with coffee in her hand and a chicken on her lap.

Rick Ufford-Chase is a founding board member of the CLBSJ and the Co-Director of Stony Point Center with his wife Kitty. Though himself a self-described “seminary drop-out,” Rick has had a lifelong fascination with scriptural exegesis and theological inquiry. Rick has been deeply involved in movements for immigration advocacy and systemic economic change, though his recent interests have dealt more specifically with the case for reparations for Native Americans and African Americans. Rick is an outdoorsman, happiest when he is in a canoe on a quiet lake at sunrise. He is the author of Faithful Resistance: Gospel Visions for the Church in a Time of Empire.

The Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice invites you to join us for an interactive dialogue exploring the interfaces between scholarship and activism. How do these ways of being contribute to our understanding of Scripture in the world today? Let’s come together to learn from each other. Most events take place on the third Thursday of the month at 4:30pm Pacific Time / 7:30pm Eastern Time. We do not meet every month, and occasionally meet on a different night.

See the full schedule of the Scholar-Activist Encounter series. For questions, email