Bible "Detox": Study of Mark 14:1-11 led by Brigitte Kahl
Bible "Detox"February 18, 2021, 7:30pm Eastern Time
Reckoning with and resisting the misuse of the Bible to promote and justify violence and oppression.
In this session, Dr. Brigitte Kahl of the Union Theological Seminary New Testament Department will lead us in an exploration of Mark 14:1-11, which appears in the lectionary at the end of Lent this year. This section contains the often misused verse “For you will always have the poor with you,” in verse 7.
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Brigitte Kahl is an innovative New Testament scholar whose work focuses on analyzing the dynamic relationship between the New Testament and the Roman Empire. In her pioneering book, Galatians Re-Imagined: Reading with the Eyes of the Vanquished (2010), Dr. Kahl re-defines the traditional paradigm of Pauline interpretation and radically recasts justification by faith as a theology of resistance and transformation. A native of East Germany and an ordained minister, Dr. Kahl studied and taught at Humboldt University in Berlin between 1970 and 1997, earning two doctorates in New Testament and Ecumenics (1983/86). Her first major publication in German (1986) dealt with the theological and political dialectics of the Gospel for the Poor and the Gospel for the Gentiles in Luke-Acts. Read her full bio here: