Bible "Detox": Study of Deuteronomy 15 led by Norman Gottwald
Bible "Detox"February 25, 2021, 7:30pm Eastern Time
Reckoning with and resisting the misuse of the Bible to promote and justify violence and oppression.
In this session, CLBSJ co-founder Dr. Norman Gottwald will continue the exploration of “the poor will always be with you” by looking at Hebrew Testament parallels in Deuteronomy 15:11 and related texts.
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Norman K. Gottwald, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at New York Theological Seminary and co-founder of the Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice, is a pioneer in the use of critical social theory and method in biblical studies. He is author of The Tribes of Yahweh, a celebrated study of the origins of ancient Israel as an indigenous peasant uprising. Read his full bio here: