Study of Philippians 2:5-11, led by Crystal Hall

April 01, 2021, 7:30pm Eastern Time

Our final session will be held on Maundy Thursday and led by Dr. Crystal L. Hall, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at United Lutheran Seminary. Crystal will focus on Philippians 2:5-11, which is in the lectionary for this week and contains the “Christ Hymn”, thought to be one the earliest devotional liturgies of the emerging church. Using empire criticism and reading the Bible with the poor methodologies, she will help us dig deeper into the question of who Jesus is and where he shows up in antiquity and today.

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Dr. Crystal L. Hall is a community organizer, political educator and an assistant professor of Biblical Studies at United Lutheran Seminary in Pennsylvania. Her research interests include the Pauline corpus, apocalyptic literature, poverty and wealth, and ecological and liberationist hermeneutics. Her methodological commitments include empire criticism and feminist theory. She works to epistemologically privilege voices that have historically been excluded from the classroom and the Church. Through the Contextual Bible Study methodology, Crystal teaches reading the Bible with the organized poor alongside communities of faith. Read her full bio here: