Invitation to Debrief and Vision

April 15, 2021, 7:30pm Eastern Time

Calling all Bible-o-Philes! Please join us on Thursday April 15, 7:30pm Eastern Time, to help shape CLBSJ’s emerging approach to biblical engagement.

If you connected in any way with the Lenten Bible “Detox” Series, either live or via a recording, we cordially invite you to participate in an open debrief and visioning session. We will have a structured meta-cognitive conversation about our experience with the Bible Detox series, how we generally engage with and learn about the Bible and social justice, and how we can work together to create more empowering forums for biblical engagement among scholars, activists, artists and faith leaders.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you’d like to get a head-start on your thinking, please consider filling out this feedback survey.

If you missed any of the Detox sessions, you can watch the recordings on