Uncovering Revelation’s Environmental Message

March 28, 2023, 7:30pm Eastern Time

Sometimes hope-inspiring, sometimes trauma-inducing, the Book of Revelation has some of the most complex history of interpretation of any book in the Bible. In this session, Dr. Crystal Hall and Ched Myers will explore the often overlooked environmental messages contained within this text. Myers will share perspectives on Revelation 21:1-3 and 22:1-2 in the context of his environmental organizing methodology, “Watershed Discipleship.” Dr. Hall will focus on the story of the Earth who comes to the aid of the Heavenly Woman in Revelation 12:13-17, and how this image might serve as a resource for reclaiming the Bible for earth justice. Not merely the “environment” in which the action unfolds, Earth will be read as a character who has agency and takes action, especially in the context of Hebrew Testament precedents.

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Dr. Crystal L. Hall holds a PhD in Biblical Studies from Union Theological Seminary in New York and is a certified coach serving women in ministry. She is the author of Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor with Fortress Press and the forthcoming From Cosmos to New Creation: An Ecological Rereading of Galatians with Rowman and Littlefield Press. Dr. Hall is a frequent speaker in churches and denominational conferences on topics including women’s leadership, LGBTQIA+ inclusion and immigration. She resides in Philadelphia with her fiancé and their cat, Lady Blue.

Ched Myers is an activist theologian who has worked in social change movements for 40 years. He holds a degree in New Testament Studies, and has authored over 100 articles and a half-dozen books, including Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus (1988) and Watershed Discipleship: Reinhabiting Bioregional Discipleship (Cascade, 2016). Ched and his partner Elaine Enns live in the Ventura River watershed in southern California on traditional Chumash territory, and work with Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries.