Review of Guerrilla Gospel by Bob Ekblad
Laura Gottwald
Published 12 November 2023

Bob Ekblad’s book Guerrilla Gospel offers readers a transformative experience in Bible study. He defines the word gospel - which means good news – as “liberating message.” Through his own deeply personal belief in Jesus and in his life and revolutionary ministry, Ekblad speaks both to readers’ spiritual relationship with Christ, and delivers a radical challenge that our personal ministries truly follow Jesus’ example.
Ekblad, in every chapter, teaches us to live like an “insurgent” just as did Jesus. Ekblad gives us the knowledge and the guidance to enable us to renew our excitement and inspiration in our reading of the Bible. He calls his kind of Bible study “Guerrilla Gospel Encounters.” He shows us how to read from both a liberative and resistance perspective. He asks us to examine how we have traditionally read the Bible with an open mind – and challenges us to examine just what is was that Jesus - God’s revolutionary incarnation - came to do (Luke 4:18-19) and what we are likewise called to do.
Ekblad’s book inspires, refreshes, excites and challenges us to read the Bible in a new way, one that enlivens the Good News for ourselves and by so doing truly liberates Christ’s good news for all of God’s people. This book delineates how “Guerrilla Bible Engagement” focuses us to actively reach out, especially to those who live on the margins and those who are desperate for Christ’s message and unconditional love.
This book, I believe gives us a powerful, revolutionary, justice making, liberative, spiritual and loving instruction for how to deeply love God and to love and serve all God’s children. I encourage everyone to read and enjoy this insightful, stimulating, and powerful call to deepen, transform and excite your Bible reading and ministry.
Purchase Guerrilla Gospel at
This mini-review was written by Laura Gottwald, CLBSJ Board Member and wife of the late Dr. Norman Gottwald, for the CLBSJ 2023 Read-a-thon.