Help build CLBSJ's capacity with a regular gift!

Published 15 June 2023

From Rev. Betsy Simpson, CLBSJ Board Co-Secretary: Dear friends,

I’m so grateful that you are with me on this journey of reclaiming the Bible for justice. Today, I want to ask if you would consider joining me in making a monthly or quarterly gift to sustain CLBSJ’s ministry for the long haul?

As a member of the CLBSJ Board, I’ve been on this path for some time. Yet still, often I come away from CLBSJ’s educational programming with my heart and mind opened to reconsider some long held interpretations. Most importantly, I have found that these sessions enrich and provoke my own activist work on anti-racism, immigration, poverty, prison reform and other issues. Because of this, I want to help build our capacity so we can extend these learnings to more people!

Recurring gifts are extremely helpful for small nonprofits. Knowing this, several of our donors have offered a challenge: If we can raise $1500/month in recurring gifts, they will match these gifts for the second half of 2023, up to $10,000!

Can you help unlock this gift? A regular donation of any size will move us toward that goal. One-time gifts are also incredibly helpful. Please give what you can at!

Sincerely, Rev. Elisabeth “Betsy” Simpson