Bible "Detox"

Periodically, CLBSJ focuses our attention on the misuse of the Bible to promote and justify violence and oppression. All are welcome on this journey of healing and reclaiming.

“The Mind of Christ (temptation story)” by Frank Wesley (1923-2002)

This year, CLBSJ continued our Bible Detox practice in a different format. We gathered online on Saturday, March 2, 2024 for “Into the Wilderness: A Contemplative Lenten Bible Detox Retreat.” Click here for more information.

Archives to most previous detox sessions can be found below.

Our 2023 Lenten Bible Detox was a unique thematic format. For six weeks, we convned to reckon with scriptures that have been misused to justify and perpetuate disregard and destruction of the environment. In solidarity with urgent movements for climate justice and biodiversity preservation, we excavated and reclaimed a biblical understanding of earth justice. For a summary of the speakers and topics, see this flyer.

Image: “The Mind of Christ (temptation story)” by Frank Wesley (1923-2002) from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

No recording currently available.
Into the Wilderness — A Contemplative Retreat

March 02, 2024

No recording currently available.
Invitation to Debrief and Vision

April 15, 2021